Tuesday 27 January 2015

Subclass Sorcery

While I was already aware of classes before coming into the courses, the idea of subclasses was new to me. I had never really put any deep thought into the uses of classes but it makes sense that they would be used a templates for more specific classes (or rather subclasses).

When the topic was first brought up in class I was a bit confused as to how inheriting a class into another class was at all useful. Why bother creating a class that's just going to be part of a more specific and detailed class? Isn't that just making life more difficult?
I thought classes were for students...
 As the lecture developed I began to realize that making a main class to be inherited by subclasses isn't particularly useful when only using a single subclass such as the example. I had to expand the scope of my thought and consider that the lesson wasn't just about the particular example, but was intended to show how a subclass would inherit a class. The useful part of having a main class is when it gets inherited by multiple subclasses. It's a broad template that prevents you from having a ton of unneeded identical code scattered throughout your program. With this in mid it was easy for me to picture how classes would begin to form a branch-like structure where everything is connected to a mean trunk (or class) and it branches off into different subclasses which can continue to branch as needed. So instead of making a new tree every time you only need to add a branch to the one that's already there. It's classception!
So like a class... inside a class... inside a class...

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Why Geeks Should Write

Writing is something that most of us take for granted on a daily basis. "Geeks" in particular may not get much practice on their formal writing skills because their field of interest or hobbies probably don't require them to exercise them to a great extent. Most geeks have the capacity (and/or patience) to write the same volume as someone who wouldn't be considered a geek but they would have a very different way of expressing their opinions in their writing.

The problem with this is that the geeks of our world come up with some of the most wonderful and innovative ideas. However, these ideas also tend to be expensive and time consuming which means that, in order for them to flourish, there needs to be some sort of external support. Whether it be asking the bank for a loan or explaining a complicated concept to a potential investor there needs to be a kind of communication that can be understood by people who don't think in such "geeky" terms.
It is definitely important to be able to verbally communicate your idea to someone else but most times those who offer you support will want written processes and documentation outlining how you plan on spending their resources to develop your great idea. Formal writing is very important in the world of business and despite how much we geeks would love to smack a folder of equations in front of them and smirk as they attempted to comprehend our obvious superiority it won't exactly land you in their "good books".

Like Santa's List but with more legal disclaimers
The geeks can't stay oblivious to the mysteries of writing forever. Our modern world simply won't allow it. So until one of us geeks comes up with a mind reading device I suggest we all gather up a pen and paper and get to work.